
Healed of coeliac disease

I was brought up in The Revival Fellowship and have believed in God from a young age. I received God’s Holy Spirit at the age of 10, with the Bible evidence of speaking in tongues, and was baptised by full immersion shortly after. I have always had a desire to follow God’s ways.

At the age of 14, I began suffering symptoms from what I believed was gluten intolerance. As a result of eating any food containing gluten, I would suffer severe symptoms including stomach cramps, bloating, an irritable bowel, vomiting and fainting. It affected my health, social life and confidence, not to mention the hip pocket. I was underweight and struggled to work as I was in so much pain. After a horrible episode involving a flight home from Adelaide, I decided to get medical help, and was referred from a GP to a gastroenterologist. It was following this appointment and blood tests that I received the bad news that I had coeliac disease, which is an incurable genetic condition.

I was then booked in for an endoscopy, colonoscopy and to speak to a nutritionist to develop a dietary plan, of which I would have had to adhere to for the rest of my life. I was informed that if I didn’t follow a strict gluten free diet, I would be vulnerable to further complications, including the risk of cancer.

I was shocked and very overwhelmed by this, however it was at that point that I realised that I now knew exactly what I needed to pray for. Shortly after this at a church youth camp a friend and I had diligent prayer to God for the healing. I knew that God had healed me, and praised Him for it. Fittingly, dinner that night was Italian themed, and I indulged in pasta, garlic bread and dessert, having all the faith that God had healed me. I waited half an hour, and had no symptoms. I went to bed with no pain or bloating. From that day on I have never suffered from coeliac disease.

I praise the Lord that He was gracious enough to heal my body and prove to me that He is a working, faithful and healing God.